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The Many Faces of Glenn

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About Me


I have spent the majority of my adult life doing stuff. That’s what we are supposed to do, we get up in morning, we go to work, we do stuff, we come home, eat to bed and repeat the next day. When you are in retail have been for last 12 years, you don’t even get week-ends off. And when you’re a business owner, as I also have been for the last 12 years, you don’t even get scheduled days off every week. However, as I enter my 6th decade of life on this green earth, I realize it’s time to do something differently. Instead of doing, it’s time to start being.

What I am focusing on being now, is being creative. I am still in retail but have scaled my hours way back. I specialize in used household items and have found enjoyment in repurposing items into something more useful. You can read about some of those in my ramblings on my blog. I have also exposed a whole new appreciation for writing. Not only am I appreciating my writing, I’m also enjoying it. People tell me I’m pretty good at it. Please judge for yourself. I also want to creative with my writing and author a book. Or two. Or more… I spend the Christmas season as Santa Claus and I have many memories and stories of experiences that have happened while in the red suit. I think there’s a book there somewhere. We’ll see.

Enjoy reading my blog and when the time comes and you need a Santa for your Christmas gathering, please consider giving me call. I can be contacted through my Santa site at www.TheAtlantaSanta.com.
