I’m the Happy Elf

This is Day 3 of “7 Stories in 7 Days”. I asked my Facebook followers to give me a line from a favorite song to use as a writing prompt. I have not looked up the context of these lines so any similarity to the actual song is purely coincidental.

Santa gets all the credit
Though we elves do all the work.
The boys and girls adore him.
To us, he’s just a jerk.

You would think that Christmas happens
From the work of just one day.
All the songs and stories
Are about Santa and his sleigh.

You can name the reindeer
Though they mostly just play games.
And their pictures are the ones that Santa
Has in his wall of frames.

You think Santa makes the list
Of who’s been bad or nice,
He writes them in his ledger
Then checks them once or twice.

But it’s not him that keeps the tab
Where naughty women live,
I’m the one that keeps that list
And decides what Santa should give.

You never know next Christmas Eve
When you look up in the sky,
I’m the happy elf and I just might stop on by.
I’m Santa’s spy.