The more I’m on social media the more frustrated I get. People can be sanctimonious just about any topic there is. I have been active on Facebook for over 10 years. It started out as a great way to reconnect with old friends and act as a messenger among extended family. As features were added,… Continue reading If You Don’t Agree With Me, Then…
Category: Writing
These are my “Writing” posts.
Firstly, let me apologize for it being so long since my previous post. Secondly, this is a departure from my normal writings on this site, not so much creative writing, but expressing a bit of my truth. As is usual, though, this writing is inspired by something someone else wrote. Actually, the inspiration first came… Continue reading THE MAYHEM OF MYTHOS
Zack and the Goldfish
It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here. To be honest, 2018 was a year of tragedy in my life, but not the kind that sparks the kind of writing I like to do. A friend of mine shared a post the other day on Facebook and something inside clicked. First, her post: Okay,… Continue reading Zack and the Goldfish
The Puzzle Piece
I have not shared, other than to my friends on social media, that I lost my youngest child to suicide less than 2 months ago. 33 years old, with a successful wife, a beautiful 6-year-old daughter, an amazing job, and a pillar in the community, I had no idea the depth of the depression they… Continue reading The Puzzle Piece
The Bench
Number 1 Is it a picture Or a story? Memories from the past Or promise for the future? Black and white because The details have faded Or not yet witnessed? An empty bench because We’ve already left Or not yet reunited? The trees stand strong Anchored to the ground The same in Georgia As Oregon.… Continue reading The Bench
Granny’s Treasures
I remember you! Couldn’t you see I was in a deep meditation when you so selfishly interrupted my peace? So, apparently, these many years later, you’re still intrigued by what you saw. I’ll try to explain. I was born in Atlanta, Georgia in 1956. This time. My great-grandmother passed away when I was about 5,… Continue reading Granny’s Treasures
Avra Kehdabra
Thoughts and feelings Cavorted in my head. Together, they’re more powerful Than any words I’ve ever said. For words spoken Without emotion Are devoid of power, and weak. Yet, with intent My voice portends To create as I speak.
Help Us Hollywood – Put an End to the Star War
Shelley and I went last week to see Star Wars – The Last Jedi at the movie theatre. Though this installment has been out for a while, I can say that I’ve seen every episode on the big screen during each first run. During our discussion and critique on the way home after the show… Continue reading Help Us Hollywood – Put an End to the Star War
Truths of a 4 and 5-Year-Old
I have many distinct memories of my childhood in the Atlanta bedroom community of Chamblee, Georgia. I turned 4 in 1960 to give you a reference to my world at the time. There were certain truths back then, as I understood them: Nature was full of treasures for all the senses: Blackberries and plums for… Continue reading Truths of a 4 and 5-Year-Old
It was late August. The air was thick and heavy with humidity. There was no wind, no noise, it was as if the world had come to a complete stop. Elinor was where you could always find her, deep in the pasture out of sight of home or any neighbors. From the time she was… Continue reading Awareness