This is Day 3 of “7 Stories in 7 Days”. I asked my Facebook followers to give me a line from a favorite song to use as a writing prompt. I have not looked up the context of these lines so any similarity to the actual song is purely coincidental. Santa gets all the credit Though… Continue reading I’m the Happy Elf
Author: Glenn Johnson
I’m Ready to Play, Today.
This is Day 2 of “7 Stories in 7 Days”. I asked my Facebook followers to give me a line from a favorite song to use as a writing prompt. I have not looked up the context of these lines so any similarity to the actual song is purely coincidental. From dust we are made… Continue reading I’m Ready to Play, Today.
Out of Darkness, Out of Doubt
This is Day 1 of “7 Stories in 7 Days”. I asked my Facebook followers to give me a line from a favorite song to use as a writing prompt. I have not looked up the context of these lines so any similarity to the actual song is purely coincidental. If it were only that… Continue reading Out of Darkness, Out of Doubt
Writing Prompt Challenge
As a new writer… no, let me rephrase that; as someone who has recently discovered a passion for writing, I find it much easier to write if I have a topic to write about. A great tool that is employed in my creative writing class, and apparently widely used within the writing world, is the… Continue reading Writing Prompt Challenge
Sounds of Silence
She was born during the space race, 1964 to be exact. It was the second happiest day for her parents, Roger and Emily, only after their wedding just a year earlier. Tracy was cute and curious and seemed to love everything and everyone around her. She always tested above age, talking and walking before she… Continue reading Sounds of Silence
Oh the People You Meet
Now that the weather has consistently warmed up here in metropolitan Atlanta, I find myself back out on the path or trail most every day. I’ve always enjoyed walking. I walked to elementary school in the mornings and walked home in the afternoons. No, it wasn’t uphill both ways – wait a minute, yes it… Continue reading Oh the People You Meet
My Deepest Fear
I’m lying in the hospital bed recuperating from surgery. I’m awake and aware of everything around me. To everyone else I’m in a deep coma, unresponsive to any stimulus. They prick me with needles and i scream in agony. They hear nothing. They talk among themselves as if I’m not there. I hear everything. They… Continue reading My Deepest Fear
The Path
It was Tuesday and I knew I had to escape, even temporarily, the drudge I had dug for myself. My life had evolved into a seemingly endless array of projects, deadlines and unrealistic expectations.As I drove toward the mountains, with their trails through the woods, I couldn’t help but think that this break would only… Continue reading The Path
The Doctor Story
It was determined that I would be a doctor whether it was something I wanted to do or not. After all, both my Mom and Dad were doctors so they would have nothing of me pursuing any other career. As I do everything, I put my every effort into being the best doctor I could… Continue reading The Doctor Story